Malas for Tatas Beading Brunch at the Pilates Collective

In this video, the Pilates Collective hosts a public beading brunch to create beautiful, hand-made, one of a kind prayer malas to raise funds for women with breast cancer. The malas made at all of our Beading Brunches are completed and then presented at fundraising events with 100% of the profits going to our current recipient to afford holistic care during breast cancer treatment and recovery. You will get a glimpse of what Malas for Tatas is all about, volunteering, creation, community, and support. Included is an introduction to the mala creating process as well as a moment of intention setting for the project. It's all wrapped up in a great day of fun and friends. Volunteers from all over the Denver Metro area gathered at this event to create something meaningful together and build a community of wellness and support. Tyler Halkett of SoundBenders Studios came to capture the moment and created this video for our cause. You can find him at: YouTube: Ig: Music credit goes to: Hunter Reece Ig: Music: YouTube: We are so grateful to you all.

Denise Faddis