4 reasons to keep moving during times of stress, treatment, and recovery:

4 reasons to keep moving during times of stress, treatment, and recovery:

1.       Exercise releases endorphins and other great neurochemicals

2.       Exercise supports your immune system

3.       Exercise detoxifies your body

4.       Exercise often leads to other healthy choices such as drinking more water and making healthy eating decisions.


One thing I recommend during times of stress and anxiety is exercise. It may not seem like something that sounds particularly exciting during cancer treatment but rest assured, it can help with several things you may be struggling with. Let’s discuss why exercise is a must when coping with uncertainty.

First off, we need all the help we can get to fight of stress and anxiety. Our body is miraculous, and cool things happen when we exercise. Neurochemicals called endorphins are released from the brain, resulting in a happy, euphoric feeling after your workouts. Exercise also lights up the reward areas of the brain, the same effect happens when you enjoy, food, drink, sex and so forth.

Getting your body moving is also a great detox and natural Immune system booster. Now, let me be clear if you are sick or feeling lethargic, I do not recommend an intense workout, rather, consider something gentler like a walk or bike ride. Even a small increase in heart rate gets the blood pumping, offering a boost in immune helping T-cells. Moving with a bit more intensity gets your temperature to rise and the body begins to detoxify by sweating, natures detox system.

Can you see where this is going? One good habit leads to another. Exercise will surely have you drinking more water which has endless benefits like, decreased inflammation, less joint pain and a clear mind. It may even inspire healthier food choices and deeper sleep. Just three times a week of 30 minutes of exercise has so many benefits its worth a try. I bet after trying that out for a few weeks, you feel better and look great too. It may just become a new healthy way of life you’ve been looking for.


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Shannon Briese