Posts tagged Healing
Intuitive Readings with Rayann Gordon

When I hear the words 'intuitive reading' I have to admit that sometimes I cringe.

Sometimes I still imagine a woman with frizzy hair at a psychic fair telling me a bunch of random things that I do not want to know about that I will never be able to forget once I hear them.

That is not how I roll as an intuitive, and none of my colleagues work that way either, but those practitioners are definitely out there. And if you are like me, you be familiar with one in your mind from a mash-up of movie stereotypes peppered with negative experiences.

So I made this video to give you a feel for the kind of intuitive that I am and the kind of work I think centers us, lights the path and helps us inhabit our lives more fully.

For me, every session is a ritual in which your journey, your agency, and your wisdom are held as sacred. 

The process is not just about delivering information but allowing that information to land and exploring what happens when it does. It is about connecting you more deeply to your own knowing. It is a dance rather than a solo performance (which is more up my imaginary psychic lady's alley). 

I have been midwived through illness and the darkest of nights by compassionate seers. It is my wish for you that however dark the night, there are people there, holding their candles, seeing you through.


PS. I now offer one pay-what-you-can session each month for someone in financial need. If that sounds like you, get in touch here.